May 13, 2024

The Power of Two: Selling Digital Bundles with Physical Products

Here, we delve into the power of digital bundling, where a physical product is paired with a unique digital asset. This post looks at the advantages of digital bundling, outlines the user experience, and highlights the benefits for brands looking to stay ahead of the curve.

The Power of Two: Selling Digital Bundles with Physical Products

Recently, Gigantik launched the self-service option for its platform, where anyone can launch a storefront and distribute digital items for free. This series of posts will explore how Gigantik supports brands and creators in launching new experiences built on a digital foundation. Here, we delve into the power of digital bundling, where a physical product is paired with a unique digital asset. This post looks at the advantages of digital bundling, outlines the user experience, and highlights the benefits for brands looking to stay ahead of the curve.

The User Experience: A Digital Gateway

Imagine scrolling through your favorite online store when you come across a captivating 3D rendering of a limited-edition pair of shoes. But this isn't just any pair of shoes, it comes with a unique twist. Intrigued, you click to discover that purchasing the digital twin of the shoes is the first step to securing the physical masterpiece.

Here's how the user experience unfolds:

  1. Digital Captivation: The stunning digital representation and details of the shoes pique your interest.  
  2. Securing Your Digital Asset: Opting to claim the digital twin, you complete a secure purchase within the brand's platform.
  3. Unlocking the Physical Counterpart: Upon acquiring the digital asset, you're presented with a unique code or redemption option within the platform. This code acts as your key to securing the physical pair of shoes.
  4. Digital Exploration: You get Immediate gratification of receiving the digital version of the shoes. This counterpart represents not only the shoes you just purchased but also your status with the brand
  5. Physical Delivery: Receiving the shoes is not the end. With the digital version, you’re continuing that journey with the brand.

Buying a digital product can look and feel as familiar as any ecommerce experience.

When ready, collect shipping information directly from the digital item.

Benefits for Brands: A Strategic Move

By flipping the script and prioritizing the digital experience, brands unlock several strategic advantages:

  • Heightened Excitement: The anticipation of receiving the physical product after acquiring the digital asset creates a sense of excitement and fosters customer engagement.
  • Data & Insights: Collecting data on how users interact with the digital twin provides valuable insights into customer preferences and buying habits.
  • Community Building: Digital ownership fosters a sense of community among early adopters and brand loyalists who can connect and share their experiences.
  • Controlled Distribution: Digital-first bundling allows brands to manage the release of limited-edition physical products in a controlled manner.
  • Reduced Inventory Costs: By pre-selling the digital asset, brands can gauge demand and potentially minimize the risk of unsold physical inventory.

How it works with Gigantik

Gigantik makes it easy to launch these digital first bundles. Through our no-code store builder, you can launch in minutes. Upload your creative and start selling. If you’re running a smaller test, you can sell up to 100 digital items for free.

Here’s what you do:

  • Customize: Tailor Your Digital Space. Design your own webpage with a no-code storefront that perfectly reflects your brand and resonates with your audience.
  • Distribute: Seamlessly Reach Millions. Gigantik's secure, scalable infrastructure allows you to distribute your digital creations at any scale — sell directly, offer them as free giveaways, or even airdrop them directly to wallets.
  • Activate: Spark Engagement & Growth. Leverage Gigantik's extensive utility features to engage your audience, build loyalty, and unlock new possibilities.

Getting started is easy (and free - no credit card needed). Start setting up your storefront today!