June 23, 2023

Deliver More Value to Customers Through Web3: Gigantik 2.0

Gigantik enables deeper customer relationships for both brands and customers through the use of web3 technology. The Gigantik 2.0 release delivers on this promise and takes this vision even further.

Deliver More Value to Customers Through Web3: Gigantik 2.0

Gigantik enables deeper customer relationships for both brands and customers through the use of web3 technology. The Gigantik 2.0 release delivers on this promise and takes this vision even further.

Three major upgrades and features are now available:

  1. Gigantik Rewards
  2. Polygon Integration
  3. Gigantik Wallet  

Let’s dig into each:

1) Gigantik Rewards

We’re excited to announce Gigantik Rewards, an innovative way for marketers building with Gigantik to unlock new customer engagement opportunities. This allows marketers to go beyond digital collectibles with rewards and benefits directly tied to ownership. In addition, through Gigantik Rewards, we unlock the ability to launch comarketing partnerships instantly, without any sharing of customer data between brands. Gigantik: Rewards can augment existing loyalty and customer marketing strategies or act as standalone campaigns.

There are three reward types built into Gigantik Rewards.

  1. Single Use: add any unique code tied directly to a specific collectible that can only be redeemed one-time
  2. Multi-use: display a link to content, a more generic code, or any other content that unlocks based on ownership of the collectible
  3. Physical Reward: With any physical reward redemptions - for example, exclusive merchandise - you can add a custom form to the collectible. With this form you can add any fields you’d like. This can include information you need to fulfill shipping or any other data you’d like to collect from the owner of that NFT.

Gigantik Rewards can be used at any time with a digital collectible to activate and reactivate audiences, providing customers more tangible reasons to collect and earn. After the reward is redeemed or expired, customers are still left with a digital collectible that can help to build brand loyalty and create deeper connections with customers.

2) Polygon Integration

Gigantik now supports Polygon! Polygon has emerged as the leading platform solution for Ethereum scaling and infrastructure development. 

Polygon is a layer-2 scaling solution for Ethereum that aims to make the Ethereum network faster, cheaper, and more efficient. Polygon has a rich ecosystem of projects, tools, and services that can help brands extend the reach of their digital collectibles. This includes popular marketplaces like OpenSea. More recently we’ve seen major brands like Starbucks and Nike building their web3 engagement strategies on Polygon. This ecosystem and interoperability can help brands reach a wider audience and increase the value and utility of the NFTs they provide their customers.

There is complete parity between the existing Flow blockchain infrastructure and Polygon. All of the listing types and engagement opportunities remain the same.

[some cool Polygon image]

3) Gigantik Wallet

As part of this integration with Polygon, we are making Gigantik Wallet as a Service available to all customers building on Gigantik. Using a secure, modern, password-less approach, Gigantik Wallet is perfect for introducing users to their first Web3 experience. In addition, we make it simple for anyone to transfer NFTs out of the custodial wallet into their own wallet (like Metamask). 

Interested in learning more about Gigantik? Let’s chat.


Jon Parise is the cofounder and Chief Revenue Officer at Gigantik.Through technology solutions and strategic consulting, Gigantik helps brands create meaningful web3 engagements that deliver shared value between them and their customers.

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